Cayucos Chamber Considers Change to Membership Dates and Renewal Process

In order to better serve our members and make membership management easier for all, the Cayucos Chamber is considering a change to our bylaws that would update the membership program year and introduce a rolling schedule of joining and renewal.

Our current membership year runs July 1-June 30. Members are encouraged to join at the beginning of that fiscal year. A bylaw change would shift our membership year to January 1-December 31 (for programming parameters) and shift membership renewal to a rolling schedule. For example, if a member joins on May 1st they would renew on April 30 the following year.

In addition, we’re considering the use of membership management tools that would automate this process.

We see this shift making the following impact:

  • Members will gain a better understanding of their membership status.

  • The membership year shift disassociates renewal with the busy summer season in July. It may be inconvenient for businesses to renew membership in July, when we are heavily focused on our flagship July 4th town event and a busier tourist season.

  • A rolling membership allows members to pay any time in the calendar year that is convenient for them…their membership will expire one year later. This is another common membership scenario.

  • Our current membership renewal system relies heavily on time-consuming manual inputs and management. Automation could save time for Chamber teams as well as improve communications to members.

Our Chamber board will consider this proposal and vote at the next board of directors meeting on March 15th, 2023. We encourage member questions and feedback. You can contact us at or (805) 995-1200.

Lori StoneComment